PLC is also known as Premium Lifestyle Clubs. Founded by Scott Lewis in 2015. The reason PLC was brought to life is simple…. To improve the quality of life.

PLC is a company that constantly strives to develop world class products and services that improve the lives of our customers and clients.

PLC is always looking for ways to be better, do more and add more value to the market place.

We obsess over community, culture and relationships inside and outside our organisation.

Our long term commitment to the world is to continue to create great products, great services and create safe and exciting environments where people can strive to become their best version.

We are a company of passion, excitement and growth. PLC is here for the long term and during its time it will inspire millions of people to improve the quality of their lives.

We thank you for being part of this journey with us. Maybe not today, but no doubt sometime in the future.

If you would like to find out more please email us at [email protected] as we would love to support you on your journey to becoming your best version.